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How did the Beauce regional conference go?

How did the Beauce regional conference go?

Samedi le  21 octobre dernier s’est tenu à St-Georges le tout premier congrès régional organisé par un groupe de soutien. “Pis, est-ce qu’il y avait ben du monde? Comment ça s’est passé finalement?” Nous avons accueilli 34 participants, ce qui est un peu moins que les 50 que nous espérions. Les familles provenaient en majorité…

Workshop: Teaching self-editing and grammar
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Workshop: Teaching self-editing and grammar

Teaching our children to write a text without (almost) any mistakes can seem arduous and, with the obligation to subject them to the ministerial exams which come into effect this year, a certain sense of urgency amplifies the daunted feeling that some people have when faced with the task.

Conference 2022: Discovery Day – Registration form

DISCOVERY DAY REGISTRATION – 2022 CONFERENCE The Association of Christian Parent-Educators of Quebec(ACPEQ) invites you to participate in its Discovery Day on Tuesday, May 3, 2022, as part of its 3rd virtual conference to be held from April 28 to 30 and on May 3, 2022. ACPEQ The Association of Christian Parent-Educators of Quebec (ACPEQ)…